Our Back Garden - June 1st, 2017
In the interest of keeping my blog alive, I took some shots of our garden today... before the color really bursts upon us. Jane always does a great job. My contributions are minimal.
This is 'The Boss' according to the name on his chest. My younger brother, Ross, suffered from Down's Syndrome. He called himself 'Boss'. Despite his problems, he was precious to us all.
Our 'garden boy' always reminds me of Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, and the bunch.
Handy in the garden. Why look at your watch?
On the patio.
A neighbor grows and sells garden plants. The variety of Hostas is staggering. She has about 300.
We get a real variety of birds in our yard. Sparrows don't get much press, but they're cool too.
'The Boss' prevails. His smile is contagious.
Green now... the best is yet to come.
I've always felt a garden needs some sculptures to look over it. I think Jane agrees with me... sort of, anyway. :-)
We love our garden visitors... a variety of birds, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, butterflies... even a few cool bugs. Life wouldn't be the same without them. Free entertainment. Well... not exactly free... we go through a lot of birdseed. But it's worth every penny to us.
We're looking forward to the splash of color that comes in the garden as spring fades into summer. Official summer is only a few weeks away. Tempis fugit.
Take care,
Bob & Jane
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