Monday, 24 April 2017


It's been a while. Not getting out with the camera much so thought I'd introduce you to Lola. She was a mannequin in Niagara-on-the-Lake... the shopkeepers named her. 

We went to NOTL often with Jane's Mum when she was alive. Lola was next door to a British shop that sold jams, chocolate, etc. that Jane's Mum didn't want to live without. Brits are like that aren't they? Aah, we all are.

This was how she looked when I first met her... 2007. I called the image 'Kiss Me'.

Over the years she changed. The original was always my favourite though.

She eventually evolved to this wilder thing... keeping up with the times I guess.

She's a 'sweetie'. 

How you all doing? Well, I hope.

My best,


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