Whitehorse #5 of 5
Around the corner from Doug's. Different to say the least. An artist that likes bicycles?
He even has a chair & table inside it to sit and enjoy his wheels.
Our last outing from Whitehorse was to Haines Junction, a couple hours from Whitehorse on the Alaska Highway.
We slowly closed in on the mountains of Kluane Park. Haines Junction is on the edge of the park.
A diversion on the way. Champagne is just a few miles off the highway.
From the past. There were a few more poles ready for more hubcaps.
Do you recognize any from a car you used to have?
On a hillside in Champagne. A fair size as cabins go.
A chance meeting at a rest area. Two young couples were traveling from Argentina to Alaska. They left Buenos Aires almost 2 years ago, had visited 15 countries and put over 50,000 km on their VW vans.
In Haines. Things didn't work out for someone.
My photo doesn't do it justice but this was a huge field of yellow near Haines.
There were a few showers over the week so our rental quickly took on a traveled look.
More childhood memories. My brother-in-law drank Pilsner. I remember studying the label with all its detail. As a kid, I thought the crows on the fence posts were pretty cool.
I was sitting on a bench while Jane shopped. This guy stopped and started chatting with me. He had lots of stories for me. When Jane came out, we heard a few more. He spent years in the bush he said. He's 84. A pretty cool dude I thought.
A pretty accurate exposure of the light... a bit before midnight.
Jane snapped this on the flight to Vancouver. A pretty sight.