On the Path
January 31st, 2014
As January draws to a close, Jane joined me for my walk. The milder weather was a treat. It was great to be able to linger here and there without half-freezing to death.
Ice breakup on the creek. A good sign.
Jane stopped to watch a couple squirrels going in & out of their nests.
And then found a convenient fallen tree branch for a sit down, to wait for me, as I took a couple creek shots.
At the top of the path, Jane spotted some snow that was perfect for a 'snow angel' she felt. So... she made a snow angel.
On the way home she made a couple more.
Some touch-ups, tho I didn't think it needed any. I was impressed.
We have a few bird feeders--aka squirrel feeders. A week or so ago I counted 10 squirrels in our back yard at one time. Too many. So I made some changes to the feeders. Anywhere from 1 to 6 squirrels is more usual... and more acceptable.
We enjoy watching their antics so we don't try to discourage them too much, but when I counted 10 at once, it tipped the scale. The most we've seen since is 6. The birds do manage to get their share of the food.
We really enjoy the Mourning Doves too. Talk about laid back birds. They spend half their lives sitting around, watching the world go by...
... or having a snooze, as one of these decided it was time for. Their light blue eyelids make it easy to spot the sleepy ones.
'Til next time.