I took the car in today for some brake work & since the garage is only a 15 minute walk from the marsh, I took my camera with me and went to the marsh while the car was being serviced.
I forgot to put insect spray on (again) so I donated a pint of blood to the marsh mosquitoes (again). I hope the little buggers appreciate it.
The day got hot fast so I stuck to the part of the trails that were shaded by the tree canopy.
Buttercups are in season now.
Ebony Jewelwing Damsel Fly (Thanks John)
I just liked the pattern here. Some "Poplar cotton" on the water-- I think.
The boardwalk is kinda wonky in places but it's safe.
Yellow Flag (Water) Iris at the Beaver Pond... Thanks John.
This looks something like Giant Hogweed but it's Cow Parsnip. Thanks Doug.
The tell-tale signs of leaf miners of some sort that feed between the top & bottom surfaces of leaves.

Common Fleabane-- Thanks Doug.
Blackberry... Thanks John.
It's definitely show-time for Dame's Rocket in the marsh-- it's everywhere.
The Friends of Second Marsh web site...
A direct link to a map of the paths/trails in the marsh...
A link to a page that has my past posts re the marsh, in one place rather than scattered throughout this blog...
- fini -
Labels: 2nd Marsh
Bob. Thanks for your blog and your effort(& support) to name all the wild flowers you have captured. You have captured some nice lighting conditions.
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