2nd Marsh -- September 11th, 2011
It had been a week since I was at the marsh so it was definitely time for a visit. I didn't see a lot new but there were a few things.
New England Asters. There are still quite a few in the marsh.
I don't remember seeing these before. I don't think I've ever seen berries in so tight a bunch on a plant. They're berries of Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Thanks John & Gerry.
A pretty arrangement on the star-like stems. It's Calico Aster...Thanks John.

Grasshoppers are pretty boring (at least this one is) but they're forever flying up in front of me, especially on the berm, so I finally got a shot of one to see what one of them looked like.
There were a couple Cormorants in the channel again.
No matter how many times I hear Canada Geese honking their way through the sky, I never tire of listening to them. It's one of my favourite sounds in nature.
There isn't a lot of color left in the marsh but the Touch-Me-Nots do add some. They're not at their "popping" stage yet. I try them every time I see them.
The berm still has a bit of color.
White Snakeroot... Thanks Gerry.
I saw these at Darlington Park a while back too. They're White Turtlehead. Thanks Jane, Gerry, John. :-) Kind of odd, the way the leaves look like they've been sprinkled with flour or icing sugar. The bug on it looks like a Crane Fly.
There were a couple Great Blues on the raft in the bay.
If you've followed this blog you know I like fungi... especially brightly colored or unusual ones. This Coral Fungus fits the bill. I haven't seen a lot of it but it's not rare. There was lots at the marsh today... in the spot where I shot these at least. No doubt there's more there if you went looking for it.
It's also known as Coral Hedgehog and Comb Hedgehog... Thanks guys. Gerry added that it's edible and tastes like spaghetti... according to some.
It takes on odd shapes, just like the coral it's named after .
These look like Turkey Tail fungus. John confirmed that they are.
Late afternoon light in Ghost Road Bush.
Some old, some new today... makes for another good day at my favourite marsh. :-)
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