Sunday, 10 June 2018

May 2018

We went to Calgary for Jane's brother Stephen's wedding to Michael. They've been together for 35 years. It was informal and lots of fun. Stephen said beforehand that it would be a party, broken up by a 10 minute ceremony. He called it. It was a beach party theme in casual dress. Everyone had a ball.

It was held in a beautiful setting... on the 4th floor, close to Stephen & Michael's, with a wrap-around balcony and a great view of the city. 

From left: Minister, Janet (Michael's sister), Michael, Stephen, Jane. So many friends were taking pictures that I only took a couple. 

The only drunk at the party.

This was the first trip that I didn't take my big camera along. Just took a shirt-pocket point and shoot, a more capable P&S and of course my phone. It made for a much smaller carry-on. Worked out fine. It'll be the way I travel from now on.

We'd been to Calgary before but we found some new sights on our own, plus Stephen & Michael took us to some new ones out of town.

Our first stop was a garden in the prairie. En route we stopped for a break at Bomber Command Museum. How lucky I was to been born when I was. So many were killed in the war. Too young to die but they died for us. We can never forget.

At the gardens... under the Elm archway. As they say, where we are raised is in our blood. The prairie is sure in mine. It's hard to describe the feeling I get when I'm on the prairie. As some wise soul once said, "Thoughts run deeper than words, feelings run deeper than thoughts."

I really don't like pictures of myself anymore, though at a distance like this is ok. Don't zoom in. :) Doesn't look like prairie here does it, but behind the trees it sure is. :)

A unique birdhouse at the gardens. One of the coolest I've seen.

In a shop in Calgary. I'm always on the lookout for new signs. I like this one.

I drive a 2010 Impala. I've wondered what the new ones were like so I rented this 2018. Great car but not great enough to make me want to save my sheckles to get one. Plus I don't buy new cars anymore anyway. 

This woman photo-bombed my shot. She's kind of cute though.

At a garden park in Calgary. In the heart of the city but very quiet and peaceful.

Stephen & Michael took us to the Bar-U ranch south of Calgary. The drive was through a mix of rolling hills and prairie. It was originally owned by the Burns' of Burn's Meats fame.

Telephoto lenses really compress the view. The mountains were close, but not 'this' close.

Jane has water in her blood. It's hard for her to resist dipping a toe into any ocean, lake, river or creek that we encounter.

Sometimes it's the name of things that grab me. This light colored Wolf Willow bush is an example of that. It reminds me of Russian Olive in our neck of the woods.

Checking out the chicken 'coop'... though a small one. The chickens are underneath it here.

I'm drawn to sculptures. This is an action one to be sure... wolves attacking a rider.

This one would be more my speed. :)

A cute plaque on a bench. One of the best I've seen.

Car2Go... another of today's trends in larger cities. Pick up a car you 'find' and drop it off somewhere else. At least that's how I think it works.

A mall in downtown Calgary. It had a very open feel to it. You could see any of the 4 levels from various points. Malls don't usually impress me, but this one did.

One section of it had mucho plants and small trees. Very relaxing. You could sit on the borders of the gardens, but hopefully not on the plants, as this sign cutely says.

The Calgary Tower is much smaller than the CN Tower of Toronto, but it's just as interesting. Rather than a typical shot of it, I chose a reflection.

Jane spotted these ladies having tea in a downtown park.

A 'whack-a-mole' wall in the same park... not really. Signs said 'Please don't climb on the bricks'. Of course all kinds of kids did anyway.

Prince's Island is just opposite the skyscrapers of downtown Calgary in the Bow River. Quiet and no vehicles other than a park truck to tend to the gardens. Seemed to be a favourite spot for geese to raise their brood. Must have been a 100 goslings together in a goose clutch.

It was one of those moments you're glad you didn't miss.

As Jane pointed out, this isn't something you see advertised down our way.

A walking mall downtown. Loved it.

In a street vendors' truck window. 

This sign had me puzzled. Stephen explained that it's so the parking 'police' can easily see your license plate. Alberta only has plates on the back of vehicles. No front plate.

I decided to include this shot, only to illustrate that some shots are only for 'us'. Jane called this 'our' tree, since it's where I parked at the hotel if the spot was free. It's a little memory of our trip that no one else would be interested in. So why include it? Just for the helluva it. :)

A reminder for us that this trip was maybe on, maybe off. Maybe we'd get to Calgary and have to make new plans to get back to Oshawa. In the end the strike didn't happen. Whew!

Arriving in Calgary. You can see storms on the horizon in the prairies. When I was growing up in Moose Jaw, if my Mom saw something like this, she'd always say, "Somebody's getting it."

Magpies are everywhere in Calgary. Anywhere on the prairies for that matter. A beautiful bird to my eyes. It's tail is half its body length. They do a lot of squawking at times.

My chief navigator checking things out.

Thinking of the ladies and their heels I assume. Common in downtown.

Back at the ranch. He regaled us with some stories. Lots of them. He sure knew his history of the ranch.

Gotta love the huge lazy-susans.

Another new saying for me... on a cushion in a store. I can identify with this some nights. :)

'Twas a great trip. So glad that we were able to share the wedding and prairie outings with Stephen & Michael. Had some great meals at their place too. They're first class hosts.

Take care,
Bob & Jane


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