Kingston, Ontario -- July 22nd, 2011
This one flew well, despite its battered wings. It's a male Blue Dasher... Thanks John.
An Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly (female)... Thanks John.
A Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly... I've seen lots of these around Oshawa this year but I've never been able to get a shot of one. They seem to fly almost constantly and when they do land it's only for a few seconds-- at least the ones I've seen.
I hope to get a better shot of one sometime soon but for now this one will have to do. It's a start at least.
They're Woodland Sunflowers (aka Annual Sunflowers)... Thanks John. Also called "Cut & Come Again" according to the Web.
Chaffey's Locks on the Rideau River north of Kingston. The lock-master told us the "French Navy" would be coming next week. Apparently dozens of Quebecois boats were in the system and headed their way.
Jones Falls locks...

All ages were enjoying the races. There was a beautiful breeze and in the shade it couldn't have been any better temperature-wise.
There were lots of Mallards along the shoreline at the races, either looking for handouts or just swimming about.
And a couple other species... this is a Bufflehead duck.

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