It was a pretty hot day but there was some cloud cover to filter the blazing sun so off I went, knowing there was some shade at the marsh. It was the damn mosquitoes-- they drove me nuts. I put repellent on but it didn't seem to help as much today, so they got another pint of my blood.
On a more pleasant note, the change continues in the marsh. More wildflowers have appeared that weren't there the last time I was down and more of the earlier ones are gone.
These yellow ones are one of two that have taken center stage from the Dame's Rocket. They are all along the boardwalk thru Ghost Road Woods. It's Fringed Loosestrife... Thanks Gerry & John.
They have the unusual habit of displaying their blossoms upside down-- at least from our point of view.
It's good to see some old friends. There are still quite a few Red/Purple Flowering Raspberries hanging in there.
And a fair number of Hedge Bindweed too.Thanks John.
Queen Anne's Lace with some red bugs that you'll often see on them.
The next two images are of the second new kid on the block. It's there in big numbers too. It looks like a more delicate version of Queen Anne's Lace to me.
This is highly poisonous-- it's Water Hemlock. Thanks Gerry & John. Curious about anything deadly, I Googled it and found these tidbits...
Water Hemlock is also known as Devil's Porridge, Beaver Poison, Musquash Root, Cowbane or Poison Parsley. Water Hemlock is a very poisonous plant that has been used for centuries for assassinations and executions. It is extremely toxic to humans and animals, and eating any amount can cause death. It is most toxic when it is fresh.
The Water Hemlocks are the most poisonous deadly plants in North America. All parts are deadly poisonous. Even a small mouthful can kill an adult.
Do not handle these plants. If you do, thoroughly clean your hands immediately afterwards. Take appropriate steps to avoid accidentally ingesting any part of these deadly plants or their juice.
Another old friend-- the Red-Seeded Dandelion. This one caught my eye because it looks like a mop-headed traffic cop.
The boardwalk through Ghost Road Bush is always inviting to me. Even on a hot day, it's reasonably cool along it.
You have to be under 4 ft tall to make it under this fallen tree without bending. I'm all for leaving things as natural as you can but I think this tree should be moved. :-)
Heavy growth along the pathway... It's Jewelweed (aka Touch-Me-Not) though it's not in bloom yet. Thanks John.

It's always good to see some life-- even a toad is good. :-)
I walked a few 100 yards down the berm. With the open sky above it, there are plenty of flowers all along it.

Rough Hedge-Nettle... Thanks John.
Blue Vervain... Thanks Gerry & John.
Tall Meadow Rue (Thanks John)-- another name I like the sound of.
There were more Water Lilies in the channel by the berm than the last time I was here and they were easier to photograph.

All in all, another great day at the marsh, though spoiled somewhat by the mosquitoes.
The Friends of Second Marsh web site...
A direct link to a map of the paths/trails in the marsh...
A link to a page that has my past posts re the marsh, in one place rather than scattered throughout this blog...
- fini -
Labels: 2nd Marsh
really like the water lillies and awesome boardwalk shot.
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