Sunday, 26 June 2016

Trenton Air Show
June 25th, 2016

A change from my usual nature-related posts. It was one of Jane's birthday gifts to me. We went for a couple nights to make a mini-holiday of it. It was hot (30 degrees) but a cool breeze made it bearable.

I've always loved seeing jets... since I was a kid in Moose Jaw. There's an airbase there, and it's the home of the Snowbirds, so I saw many airshows as a kid. They were often flying overhead any day.

I think I should have joined the air force, rather than the army as I did, but the explanation is too long to go into. Life doesn't always unfold the way you think it should—in hindsight at least.

Still images of airshows are almost pointless I think, and I appreciate that planes (jets or not) can be excruciatingly boring to many, but here goes anyways. :-)

The B-52 is a bomber that's been in service in the USAF forever. It's huge.

The only shade on an airbase is in the hangers or under the wings of aircraft, as here, under a wing of the B-52.

The "Herc" (Hercules) — another giant of the air.

Harvards. I grew up with these in Moose Jaw. They have a very distinctive sound that I always recognize. There's one in Oshawa that I see & hear now & then. Very nostalgic for me.

I enjoy the rush & sound of the individual jets but the Snowbirds are special.

Everyone finds their spot to watch the show.

This seems to be a standard for the Snowbirds now. They do it well.

Near the end of the show... they look weary—at least one guy does. I was too. Jane fared better. But then, she's younger than I am. :-)

I think I've seen enough airshows now. Been there, done that. Maybe I should get the T-shirt.

- fini -


At 26 June 2016 at 21:01 , Blogger Unknown said...

Bob thanks for doing a a blog on the airshow,always find them interesting xafter having worked for a few of them while stationed in Ottawa..


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