2nd Marsh -- March 24th, 2012
When I haven't been to the marsh for a week or so I always wonder if maybe I'm missing some developments. With the hot weather we had, I thought I might see something unexpected. Not the case. The day offered more green sprouts than last time but not much else, though I did see my first Great Blue Heron of the season.
Some of the moss is brilliant green, looking even more so on an overcast day when the colors appear saturated. It's not the only green in the marsh now but there's still lots of it.
When you look closely you note the variety of mosses in the marsh. Some look like miniature forests.
The Beaver Pond has open water but no sign of life today.
With the ice now gone, the vernal pools are ready for the Mallards that usually visit them.
A couple Crows were pestering this hawk but surprisingly being very quiet about it... they usually caw loudly. (Terrible back-lighting, and a poor view of the hawk too. You win some, you lose some.)
Whatever these are, they're popping up in big numbers.
I always think this channel along the berm is a restful scene, sometimes with geese or ducks or maybe a heron.
A male Red-Wing Blackbird, not singing... just taking in the scenery.
Judging by the number of cattails in full seed, there won't be any shortage of them in the marsh in the future.
Lots of Coltsfoot along the berm...
It's looking pretty barren along the berm now, but it won't be for long. The channel to the left won't be visible in a few weeks.
I'm not good at identifying plants in their early stages, but I'll work at it. Several are off to a good start.
John Foster ID'd the following for me. This is Common Burdock.
And this is Queen Anne's Lace (aka Wild Carrot).
And this is Bull Thistle. I actually guessed them right it turns out. Thanks for the confirmations John.
This pair was swimming up the channel, looking for a cozy spot to rest for a bit.

They found one...
As I left the geese behind, a Great Blue flew up.
It only went about 100 ft down a side channel.
A pretty severe crop of the previous image for a better look.
These Mallards were enjoying their private, but small, green island.
I think they're off to look for a bigger island. The Mrs. wasn't happy with the last one.
My usual view of Farewell Creek from the foot bridge, looking upstream.
And the view I take much less often... Farewell Creek from the foot bridge looking downstream.
There's lots of Garlic Mustard about...
Some type of Turkey Tail I think.
One of nature's designs on an old Birch tree. Some Woodpecker thought it needed his touch.
The fungus makes this stump look like an Octopus.
As I left, I noticed the Forsythia by the east entrance is blooming, as it is in town.
So, nothing very exciting, but Spring is marching on.
We're leaving for Cuba on Monday so I'll look forward to see how things look when we return in early April.
A link to a page that has my past posts re the marsh, in one place rather than scattered throughout this blog...
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