Thursday, 30 October 2014

On the Path
Fall & some Tree Tunnels
Sept--Oct 2014

Time is slipping by. Doesn't it always? Tomorrow is Halloween. Then it's November. Makes me think of one of my favourite sayings: "Life is what happens to you when you're busy doing other things." Fall also reminds me of life. Ready or not, the next stage is here. Enough philosophy.

I enjoy the seasons. Winter less so than I used to, but the changes are beautiful. Fall is still my favourite. When the leaves change color, the views are spectacular.

Even Poison Ivy takes on fall colors. Sometimes simple...

Sometimes not so simple.

Some cling, some don't.

Bittersweet berries. They stand out.

I haven't seen many Ladybugs this year. Are they suffering from our extensive use of pesticides too?

I love the tree tunnels. The path is in the heart of the city but the tunnels shield me from the 'busyness' that is only yards away from the path.

On a busy day I meet others, but on a quiet day I have the path to myself.

The woods at the top of the path are a quiet retreat. I'm alone in them 99% of the time. The path through them only adds a few minutes to my walk, but they keep me in touch with another side of nature. In fall, the leaves carpet the forest floor. I enjoy the crunch of the leaves under my feet every year, as though it were the first time I've experienced it.

Young love.

A 'Leaf fan' amongst the leaves... couldn't resist. For non-Canadians, one guy is wearing a Toronto Maple Leaf's hockey team sweater.

Sumach is blazing red at its prime.

Interesting pattern on Wild Grape leaves.

Milkweed... in its early stages in fall.

The most colorful bug I encounter on the path... Japanese Beetle. By the way, all these images were taken with a shirt-pocket point & shoot so some of them suffer.

A favourite of mine. Hard to explain why.

Colorful confusion.

Common Toadflax. I much prefer the more common name... Butter & Eggs.

A prehistoric green caterpillar.

A Scottie out for a walk. Its ears give it away.

Late-day light on some Wild Carrot.

Black Locust seed pods.

Back home... cute.

They get more than their share of the bird seed.

Freedom. I never tire of watching geese fly over. I always listen for their call but sometimes there's only silence.

The temperatures are slowly approaching zero degrees for a low. Snow flurries are getting ever closer. More change.

- fini -


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