2nd Marsh -- June 28th, 2012
I didn't give the berries a second thought until I was heading back to the car along the berm and I saw what at first I thought were two injured Robins. But thinking how unusual it would be that two injured robins would be together, I thought it was much more likely that they were drunk.
It's not unusual for birds to get drunk from eating fermented berries, sometimes to the point that they can't fly until they sober up. These two were just a bit tipsy and seemed to be having a problem standing up properly. Once I got too close, they straightened up and flew away. I can't be positive that they were drunk, but I'd bet a dollar to a donut that they were.
The first Touch-Me-Not (Jewel-weed) that I've seen this year.
I'd never make it as a botanist. I just can't remember the names of most wildflowers. Tall Buttercups... Thanks John.
The last of the Dame's Rocket.
Bitter Nightshade... Thanks John.
Arrowhead Waterplant in the Beaver Pond.
Red Baneberry berries... Thanks John. It was on the tip of my tongue. :-)
Fringed Loosestrife.
Green Briar... Thanks John.
Tall Meadow Rue... Thanks John.
Wild Parsnip
Queen Anne's Lace (Wild Carrot)
Creeping Thistle
Red Admirals
Red-seeded Dandelion
Birds-foot Trefoil

Oxeye Daisy
A link to a page that has my past posts re the marsh, in one place rather than scattered throughout this blog...
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